The colonies’ power crystal is running low! Go forth and search for shards to recharge it – Though be sure to keep an eye out for any other creatures lurking in the dark... You're just a lil guy after all.


How to Play:

Collect the bright golden motes scattered across the darkened map and bring them back to the Purple Core next to spawn. Stay safe from bugs by blinding them with a bright light using the 'Emit Light' button, though be careful as you have limited uses before you'll need to recharge back at the core, though be sure to bring at least a few motes back with you.

How long can you keep the core active? Will you survive against the swarm?


Keyboard / Mouse
  • Arrow keys / WASD - Movement
  • Mouse - Light Direction
  • Left-Click - Emit Light
  • E - Interact/Pick Up
  • Esc - Pause Game
  • D-pad / Left Control Stick - Movement
  • Right Control Stick - Light Direction
  • Right Action, Sony Circle, Xbox B, Nintendo A - Emit Light
  • Bottom Action, Sony Cross, Xbox A, Nintendo B - Interact/Pick Up
  • Start, Xbox Menu, Nintendo + - Pause Game


Exocoatl - Project Leader, Programmer, Level Design
MxPuffin - Sound Fx
Plutonian - Artist


Changelog V1.1

- Fixed enemy pathfinding.
- Retry button now works on the game over screen.
- Added flashing and invincibility period after being hit by an enemy.
- Player can no longer be hit by a blinded enemy.
- Added a marker to point to base.
- Fixed minor lighting/shadow issues.
- Fixed issues with map collisions.
- Minor rework to player controls.
- Removed debug text from player sprite.

Changelog V1.11

- Fixed an issue where the players light would always point down when using a controller.


V1.11 24 MB
V1.11 26 MB

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